

  Automated_Circuit_To_MAGIC_VLSI Project Name: Automated Circuit To MAGIC VLSI layout Using Open Source EDA Tools. VLSI design flow includes system specification, architectural design, functional & logic design, circuit design, physical design, fabrication, packaging & testing, chip. In physical esign process like  routing, placement, etc are involved. This project aims to convert a circuit into its MAGIC Layout format. MAGIC software is a open source EDA tool which is used for making layout of circuit. Basically if we are representing a circuit into code format then using some coding algorithm we can implement its magic VLSI layout. So, here circuit netlist,design rules, librecell layout are used to generate output. Basic algorithm is : Input files [Spice Netlist + Design Rules] -----> Librecell Layout as conversion tool -----> Output i.e layout [GDS,LEF,MAG] We can generate spice netlist of any circuit using circuit design tools,open source EDA tools. Design r...